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This Project uses Pydantic Models. Methods on both the AsyncClient and Client will return one of the models documented below - or list thereof where applicable.


id instance-attribute

id: int

The unique identifier of this action.

name instance-attribute

name: str

The name of this action.

type class-attribute instance-attribute

type: str = Field(alias='actionType')

The type of this action.


encoding instance-attribute

encoding: str

The encoding of this export.

format class-attribute instance-attribute

format: str = Field(alias='exportFormat')

The format of this export.

id instance-attribute

id: int

The unique identifier of this export.

layout instance-attribute

layout: str

The layout of this export. Will hold values such as GRID_CURRENT_PAGE and TABULAR_ALL_LINE_ITEMS, representing the Anaplan Export Structure.

name instance-attribute

name: str

The name of this export.

type class-attribute instance-attribute

type: str = Field(alias='exportType')

The type of this export.


details class-attribute instance-attribute

details: str = Field(alias='failureMessageDetails')

The details of the failure.

index class-attribute instance-attribute

index: int = Field(alias='requestIndex')

The index of the item that failed.

reason class-attribute instance-attribute

reason: str = Field(alias='failureType')

The reason for the failure.


chunk_count class-attribute instance-attribute

chunk_count: int = Field(alias='chunkCount')

The number of chunks this file is split into.

delimiter class-attribute instance-attribute

delimiter: str | None = Field(None)

The delimiter used in this file.

encoding class-attribute instance-attribute

encoding: str | None = Field(None)

The encoding of this file.

first_data_row class-attribute instance-attribute

first_data_row: int = Field(alias='firstDataRow')

The row number of the first data row in this file.

format class-attribute instance-attribute

format: str | None = Field(None)

The format of this file.

header_row class-attribute instance-attribute

header_row: int = Field(alias='headerRow')

The row number of the header row in this file.

id instance-attribute

id: int

The unique identifier of this file.

name instance-attribute

name: str

The name of this file.

separator class-attribute instance-attribute

separator: str | None = Field(None)

The separator used in this file.


id instance-attribute

id: int

The unique identifier of this import.

name instance-attribute

name: str

The name of this import.

source_id class-attribute instance-attribute

source_id: int | None = Field(None, alias='importDataSourceId')

The unique identifier of the data source of this import.

type class-attribute instance-attribute

type: str = Field(alias='importType')

The type of this import.


added instance-attribute

added: int

The number of items successfully added.

failures class-attribute instance-attribute

failures: list[Failure] = Field([])

The list of failures.

ignored instance-attribute

ignored: int

The number of items ignored, or items that failed.

total instance-attribute

total: int

The total number of items.


applies_to class-attribute instance-attribute

applies_to: list[dict] = Field([], alias='appliesTo')

The applies to value of this line item.

breakback instance-attribute

breakback: bool

Whether the breakback is enabled or not.

brought_forward class-attribute instance-attribute

brought_forward: bool = Field(alias='broughtForward')

Whether the brought forward is enabled or not.

cell_count class-attribute instance-attribute

cell_count: int | None = Field(None, alias='cellCount')

The cell count of this line item.

format instance-attribute

format: str

The format of this line item.

format_metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

format_metadata: dict = Field(alias='formatMetadata')

The format metadata of this line item.

formula class-attribute instance-attribute

formula: str | None = Field(None)

The formula of this line item.

formula_scope class-attribute instance-attribute

formula_scope: str = Field(alias='formulaScope')

The formula scope of this line item.

id instance-attribute

id: int

The unique identifier of this line item.

is_summary class-attribute instance-attribute

is_summary: bool = Field(alias='isSummary')

Whether this line item is a summary or not.

module_id class-attribute instance-attribute

module_id: int = Field(alias='moduleId')

The unique identifier of the module this line item belongs to.

module_name class-attribute instance-attribute

module_name: str = Field(alias='moduleName')

The name of the module this line item belongs to.

name instance-attribute

name: str

The name of this line item.

notes instance-attribute

notes: str

The notes of this line item.

start_of_section class-attribute instance-attribute

start_of_section: bool = Field(alias='startOfSection')

Whether this line item is the start of a section or not.

style instance-attribute

style: str

The style of this line item.

summary instance-attribute

summary: str

The summary of this line item.

time_range class-attribute instance-attribute

time_range: str = Field(alias='timeRange')

The time range of this line item.

time_scale class-attribute instance-attribute

time_scale: str = Field(alias='timeScale')

The time scale of this line item.

use_switchover class-attribute instance-attribute

use_switchover: bool = Field(alias='useSwitchover')

Whether the switchover is used or not.

version instance-attribute

version: dict

The version of this line item.


id instance-attribute

id: int

The unique identifier of this list.

name instance-attribute

name: str

The name of this list.


code class-attribute instance-attribute

code: str | None = Field(None)

The code of this list item.

id instance-attribute

id: int

The unique identifier of this list item.

name instance-attribute

name: str

The name of this list item.

parent class-attribute instance-attribute

parent: str | None = Field(None)

The parent of this list item.

parent_id class-attribute instance-attribute

parent_id: str | None = Field(None, alias='parentId')

The unique identifier of the parent of this list item.

properties class-attribute instance-attribute

properties: dict = Field({})

The properties of this list item.

subsets class-attribute instance-attribute

subsets: dict = Field({})

The subsets of this list item.


has_selective_access class-attribute instance-attribute

has_selective_access: bool = Field(alias='hasSelectiveAccess')

Whether this list has selective access or not.

id instance-attribute

id: int

The unique identifier of this list.

item_count class-attribute instance-attribute

item_count: int = Field(alias='itemCount')

The number of items in this list.

managed_by class-attribute instance-attribute

managed_by: str = Field(alias='managedBy')

The user who manages this list.

name instance-attribute

name: str

The name of this list.

next_item_index class-attribute instance-attribute

next_item_index: int | None = Field(None, alias='nextItemIndex')

The index of the next item in this list.

numbered_list class-attribute instance-attribute

numbered_list: bool = Field(alias='numberedList')

Whether this list is a numbered list or not.

permitted_items class-attribute instance-attribute

permitted_items: int = Field(alias='permittedItems')

The number of permitted items in this list.

production_data class-attribute instance-attribute

production_data: bool = Field(alias='productionData')

Whether this list is production data or not.

properties class-attribute instance-attribute

properties: list = Field([])

The properties of this list.

use_top_level_as_page_default class-attribute instance-attribute

use_top_level_as_page_default: bool = Field(alias='useTopLevelAsPageDefault')

Whether the top level is used as the page default or not.

used_in_applies_to class-attribute instance-attribute

used_in_applies_to: str | None = Field(None, alias='usedInAppliesTo')

The applies to value of this list.

workflow_enabled class-attribute instance-attribute

workflow_enabled: bool = Field(alias='workflowEnabled')

Whether the workflow is enabled for this list or not.


active_state class-attribute instance-attribute

active_state: str = Field(alias='activeState')

The current state of this model. One of "ARCHIVED", "UNLOCKED", "ACTIVE".

category_values class-attribute instance-attribute

category_values: list = Field(alias='categoryValues')

The category values of this model.

current_workspace_id class-attribute instance-attribute

current_workspace_id: str = Field(alias='currentWorkspaceId')

The unique identifier of the workspace that this model is currently in.

current_workspace_name class-attribute instance-attribute

current_workspace_name: str = Field(alias='currentWorkspaceName')

The name of the workspace that this model is currently in.

id instance-attribute

id: str

The unique identifier of this model.

iso_creation_date class-attribute instance-attribute

iso_creation_date: str = Field(alias='isoCreationDate')

The creation date of this model in ISO format.

last_modified class-attribute instance-attribute

last_modified: str = Field(alias='lastModified')

The last modified date of this model in ISO format.

last_modified_by_user_guid class-attribute instance-attribute

last_modified_by_user_guid: str = Field(alias='lastModifiedByUserGuid')

The unique identifier of the user who last modified this model.

last_saved_serial_number class-attribute instance-attribute

last_saved_serial_number: int = Field(alias='lastSavedSerialNumber')

The serial number of the last save of this model.

memory_usage class-attribute instance-attribute

memory_usage: int | None = Field(None, alias='memoryUsage')

The memory usage of this model in bytes.

name instance-attribute

name: str

The name of this model that is also displayed to the users. This can change any time.

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url: str = Field(alias='modelUrl')

The URL of this model.


applied_by class-attribute instance-attribute

applied_by: str = Field(alias='appliedBy')

The unique identifier of the user who applied this revision.

applied_method class-attribute instance-attribute

applied_method: str = Field(alias='appliedMethod')

The application method of this revision.

applied_on class-attribute instance-attribute

applied_on: str = Field(alias='appliedOn')

The application date of this revision in ISO format.

deleted class-attribute instance-attribute

deleted: bool | None = Field(None, alias='modelDeleted')

Whether the model has been deleted or not.

id class-attribute instance-attribute

id: str = Field(alias='modelId')

The unique identifier of the model this revision belongs to.

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name: str = Field(alias='modelName')

The name of the model this revision belongs to.

workspace_id class-attribute instance-attribute

workspace_id: str = Field(alias='workspaceId')

The unique identifier of the workspace this revision belongs to.


creation_time class-attribute instance-attribute

creation_time: int = Field(alias='creationTime')

The creation time of this model.

current_step class-attribute instance-attribute

current_step: str = Field(alias='currentStep')

The current step of this model.

export_task_type class-attribute instance-attribute

export_task_type: str | None = Field(alias='exportTaskType')

The export task type of this model.

peak_memory_usage_estimate class-attribute instance-attribute

peak_memory_usage_estimate: int | None = Field(alias='peakMemoryUsageEstimate')

The peak memory usage estimate of this model.

peak_memory_usage_time class-attribute instance-attribute

peak_memory_usage_time: int | None = Field(alias='peakMemoryUsageTime')

The peak memory usage time of this model.

progress instance-attribute

progress: float

The progress of this model.

task_id class-attribute instance-attribute

task_id: str | None = Field(alias='taskId')

The unique identifier of the task of this model.

tooltip instance-attribute

tooltip: str | None

The tooltip of this model.


id instance-attribute

id: int

The unique identifier of this module.

name instance-attribute

name: str

The name of this module.


id instance-attribute

id: int

The unique identifier of this process.

name instance-attribute

name: str

The name of this process.


applied_by class-attribute instance-attribute

applied_by: str = Field(alias='appliedBy')

The unique identifier of the user who applied this revision.

applied_on class-attribute instance-attribute

applied_on: str = Field(alias='appliedOn')

The application date of this revision in ISO format.

created_by class-attribute instance-attribute

created_by: str = Field(alias='createdBy')

The unique identifier of the user who created this revision.

created_on class-attribute instance-attribute

created_on: str = Field(alias='createdOn')

The creation date of this revision in ISO format.

creation_method class-attribute instance-attribute

creation_method: str = Field(alias='creationMethod')

The creation method of this revision.

description class-attribute instance-attribute

description: str | None = Field(None)

The description of this revision. Not always present.

id instance-attribute

id: str

The unique identifier of this revision.

name instance-attribute

name: str

The name of this revision.


creation_time class-attribute instance-attribute

creation_time: int = Field(alias='creationTime')

The creation time of this task.

task_id class-attribute instance-attribute

task_id: str = Field(alias='taskId')

The unique identifier of this task.

task_state class-attribute instance-attribute

task_state: str = Field(alias='taskState')

The state of this task.


active instance-attribute

active: bool

Whether this user is active or not.

email instance-attribute

email: str

The email address of this user.

email_opt_in class-attribute instance-attribute

email_opt_in: bool = Field(alias='emailOptIn')

Whether this user has opted in to receive emails or not.

first_name class-attribute instance-attribute

first_name: str = Field(alias='firstName')

The first name of this user.

id instance-attribute

id: str

The unique identifier of this user.

last_login_date class-attribute instance-attribute

last_login_date: str | None = Field(None, alias='lastLoginDate')

The last login date of this user in ISO format.

last_name class-attribute instance-attribute

last_name: str = Field(alias='lastName')

The last name of this user.


active instance-attribute

active: bool

Whether this workspace is active or not.

current_size class-attribute instance-attribute

current_size: int = Field(alias='currentSize', ge=0)

The current size of this workspace in bytes.

id instance-attribute

id: str

The unique identifier of this workspace.

name instance-attribute

name: str

The name of this workspace that is also displayed to the users. This can change any time.

size_allowance class-attribute instance-attribute

size_allowance: int = Field(alias='sizeAllowance', ge=0)

The maximum allowed size of this workspace in bytes.